Monday, May 19, 2008

Confused whether Pregnant or not?

Signs of Pregnancy

  1. Nausea

  2. Fatigue

  3. Bloating

  4. Craving

  5. Sore Breasts

  6. Cramps just like when you have or about to get your periods.

  7. Spotting or if you feel your periods are shorter than usual.

  8. Darkening of Nipples.

  9. Frequent Headaches.

  10. Constipation

  11. Mood Swings

  12. More Bathroom visits

  13. Basal Body Temperature which is half a degree or more higher when an egg is released and remains elevated till one gets her periods.For this one should have special digital basal thermometer.

If you spot any of those its time to visit an Ob/Gyn.