Saturday, May 24, 2008

Baby on its way!!

Signs that indicate that labor is not far off

  1. Dropping/Lightening- The baby drops and settles into your pelvis and you may feel increased pressure on your bladder. Ah! that means frequent trips to the bathroom.
  2. Leveling off of weight gain
  3. Frequent bowel movements
  4. Increased vaginal discharge
  5. Cervical effacement and dilatation- During the last month, cervix begins to stretch n thin. Your provider will keep you informed.
  6. Braxton Hicks contractions- More frequent and stronger. But again girls thats not true labor.
  7. A bloody show- A slightly brown, pink or blood tinged mucous is released because of the expanding cervix. It can appear minutes, hours or even days before labor begins. Not all women notice this sign.
  8. Rupture of membranes- Generally water bag breaks after the labor has already started. But water bag can break before the labor. Call your provider immediately. Do not confuse it with urine. It is odorless and may appear as a trickle or a gush coming out from your vagina.

Sure Sign for true Labor

Consistent Contractions- Regular uterine contractions which may feel like menstrual cramps or a lower backache that comes and goes, initially may be as far apart as 20 to 30 minutes. Take a paper and a pen and write down the exact time each contraction begins and how long it lasts. After several hours the contractions will occur after every 10-15 minutes. Call your provider when your contractions are consistently 5 minutes apart.

Characteristics of true labor

Very often people confuse false labor with true contractions and make a visit to the hospital and are back disappointed. Whenever you have a contractions do not panic. Relax. Here are a few differences between labor contractions and Braxton Hicks contractions/false labor.

Labor contractions are regular and follow a predictable pattern

They become progressively closer

They become progressively stronger

They last progressively longer

Each contraction is felt first in the lower back and then radiates around to the front or visa versa

A change in activity or position will not slow down or stop contractions

There may be bloody show

Membranes may rupture

Your doctor will notice effacement or dilation

and here are the signs of false labor

Contractions are irregular and unpredictable

No progression is seen over time

Contractions are felt as a generalized abdominal tightening

A change in activity or position will slow down or stop contractions

There is usually no bloody show

Membranes will not rupture

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Testing for Group B Strep

What is GBS?

Most pregnant women are screened for group B streptococcus (GBS) during the third trimester. It is a bacteria that can live within humans and is generally harmless to adults.About 25% of women are carriers of this bacteria and don't even know it.

Effects on the baby

Babies who get infected with GBS become critically ill. During birth as the baby passes through the vagina it comes into contact with the bacteria, making it more likley for the baby to get Group B Strep. To prevent this from happening women who test positive or who have had a previous baby with Group B Strep will be given IV antibiotics during labor. If treated 98-99% of all babies born to infected mothers will not become infected.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Third Trimester

In the third trimester you will see your OB/Gyn more often as you are nearing your due date. And so will increase the vaginal exam which obviously is discomforting but very essential so the best you can do is close your eyes and think about the baby, you will not feel the discomfort.

Well initially in this trimester you will feel vigorous fetal movements, sometimes visible through the clothing. Ah you will love it! But the movements will decrease with the growing size of the baby.

The baby gains the most weight in the last 13 weeks of pregnancy. Most of the organs are developed at the end of eight months. Tremendous brain growth occurs. Drink plenty of liquids, have juicy fruits and vegetables regularly to prevent constipation.

At the end of the third trimester the fetus usually settles into a head-down position in the uterus. You will likely feel some discomfort as you get close to delivery and you may have restless nights. So sleep/rest whenever you can. Try to sleep on your side, with pillows for support between your knees or under your belly.You will urinate often as the growing uterus presses on your bladder. Breathing may become difficult and you may get heartburn, swelling, back pain , constipation and you may also get Braxton Hicks contractions , which are "warm-up" contractions. Do not rush to the hospital. They don't lead to labor.My doctor told me it prepares you for birth.
Ah well who said its easy to be a mother...all for the baby!!

Second Trimester

This is the easiest part of pregnancy and the best period which you will really enjoy and you should enjoy because chances of miscarriage considerably drops , you are free from the yucky nausea feel and your uterus is not big enough to give you discomfort. So enjoy girls! But you may have to start shopping for maternity clothes. Your clothes may not fit you. Happy shopping!!

By the end of the second trimester you'll begin to feel your fetus move. Although your fetus has been moving for several weeks but the movements have not been strong enough for you to notice and also at first the fetal movements can be so gentle that you may not be sure what you are feeling.

Close your eyes and relax after every meal and you will be able to feel your baby move. Enjoy it.

Fetus will be 12 inches long at the end of the second trimester. Continue mild exercises such as walking, . Drink plenty of fluids specially during summers. Have lots of juicy fruits and do not have already cut fruits.

You may notice changes in your skin. You may develop brownish markings on your face or you may look flushed as if you are blushing. Some may get a dark line down the middle of their abdomen from navel to pubic hair. You may also notice stretch marks. Do not worry these marks will go away or fade after the baby is born as these changes are usually caused by increasing hormone levels. And do not forget to wear sunscreen and hats while outdoors in the Sun.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

First Trimester

Congratulations on your pregnancy! A positive test can send you through a whirlwind of emotions, both positive and negative, even if its a planned pregnancy.

Pregnancy is measured in trimesters from the first day of your last menstrual period, totaling 40 weeks. So from the medical perspective even though you have been pregnant for two weeks, technically you are four weeks pregnant!

As the fertilized egg grows, a water-tight sac forms around it, gradually filling with fluid. This is called the amniotic sac.Placenta also develops which is a round, flat organ that transfers nutrients from the mother to the baby, and transfers wastes from the baby.

Its good if you've already been taking your prenatal vitamins, if not now is a great time to start.In this trimester every organ is already under development. Facial features, such as eyes and ears begin to form. Legs and arms sprout outward and your baby has hands,fingers,feet and toes!No wonder it is the most sensitive time period. Most miscarriages occur during this period.

Your baby can open and close its mouth and the reproductive organs also develop but its still very difficult to know baby's gender.The circulatory and urinary systems are working and the liver produces bile.

No wonder it is the most sensitive time period. Most miscarriages occur during this period.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Confused whether Pregnant or not?

Signs of Pregnancy

  1. Nausea

  2. Fatigue

  3. Bloating

  4. Craving

  5. Sore Breasts

  6. Cramps just like when you have or about to get your periods.

  7. Spotting or if you feel your periods are shorter than usual.

  8. Darkening of Nipples.

  9. Frequent Headaches.

  10. Constipation

  11. Mood Swings

  12. More Bathroom visits

  13. Basal Body Temperature which is half a degree or more higher when an egg is released and remains elevated till one gets her periods.For this one should have special digital basal thermometer.

If you spot any of those its time to visit an Ob/Gyn.